Small old brick church on a green meadow at the foot of the mountains

Oklahomans Poised to Take Back Educational Sovereignty by Refusing Federal Education Funding

Originally reported by Kara Arundel, Senior Reporter, K–12 Dive

“‘The U.S. Constitution is very straightforward about education — this is a state power protected by the 10th Amendment and the federal overreach is alive and well in our education system,’ Bullard said in an Oklahoma Senate news release . . . . Schools would not lose money as a result of the legislation, Bullard said in the news release. The bill does not detail how the state would make up the federal revenue. The bill could be considered during the state’s 2023 legislative session, which runs Monday through May 26.”

Furthermore, “Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters has also cast doubt on the need for certain federal funding, according to a Feb. 1 article by the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs. Walters does not favor turning away all federal funding but wants to analyze programs that carry requirements for instruction that the state opposes.”

Read the whole article here.