wooden Scrabble letters put together in a pyramid shape to spell out the word "government"

And So It Begins Again – The Fight Against Government Control

By Carolyn Martin, CHEC Director of Government Relations  

The march toward more government programs, government control over our families and livelihoods, and restrictions on our inalienable rights has begun. Last year was bad enough, but despite this being an election year, those who run our government have not finished implementing their complete transformation of our beautiful state. And so it begins again: today is the first day of the 2024 legislative session. 

Parental Rights & Religious Freedom Relinquished to Government Control 

Parents have relinquished their rights in exchange for the rights of the child. Special rights, ostensibly granted to oppressed groups, have overshadowed religious liberty. What about homeschooling? So far, we have kept the dam from breaking on our freedom to educate our children how we see fit. Yet, there is much opposition coming from many directions. State alphabet soup agencies, departments, and boards. School choice and anti-homeschool advocates. Local school officials and boards. Legislators on both sides of the aisle. 

Stand With Us 

There is no way I can withstand them alone. I rely greatly on God’s help to see and understand these attacks. But each of you also plays an integral part. First and foremost, this is a spiritual battle. God’s enemies hate what He has created – especially children, the family, and the church. Homeschooling is a lifeboat for the preservation of our families and our faith. You must stay true to His call to raise your families in the admonition of the Lord, or everything you do is meaningless. Pray to God for His protection and provision for me and every homeschooling family in this state. 

Commit to Stay Informed and Engaged! 

Unfortunately, I foresee many liberties being taken away from us this year. Let us ensure that the ability to homeschool without government control is not one of them! We have experienced God’s faithfulness since the enactment of the homeschool law thirty-five years ago. As we ask the Lord to show us what it means to be eternally vigilant and how to safeguard what He has given us, it will require sacrifice from each of us. 

“The price of liberty is vigilance.”  – Author Unknown

Will you sacrifice some time to stay informed and engaged during this legislative session? 

  • Join the Colorado Homeschool Freedom Team (HSFT) and the Facebook group. 
  • Share my weekly prayer emails (including a list of bills following and action items) and legislative blog posts with your group of friends. 
  • For a more in-depth understanding of legislation and the legislature, join the Legislative District Connection (LDC), which meets virtually once a month. 
  • Register and participate in Meet Your Legislator Day (MYLD) on Thursday, February 15th
  • Register and attend CHEC’s 30th Homeschool Day at the Capitol (DAC) on Thursday, April 11th
  • Watch for CHEC’s action alert emails and take action when needed! 

Attend CHEC’s Meet Your Legislator Day – February 15th! 

Read the original CHEC article

If you can do more, please contact me! 

Carolyn Martin serves as CHEC’s Director of Government Relations, working for you and other liberty-loving families to protect homeschool freedom, parental rights, and religious liberty at the state capitol. Subscribe to the CHEC blog for Carolyn’s regular updates, learn more about legal issues in Colorado, and support Homeschool Freedom. Contact Carolyn directly at carolyn@chec.org

Lawyer Scales Justice - Law Concepts on Human Rights

Parent Rights Erosion Continues

Even if you aren’t a Colorado resident, it is important to keep abreast of the political climate in other states because it won’t be long before it’s in your state. Be prepared for what’s coming your way.

Carolyn Martin, the Director of Government Relations for Christian Home Educators of Colorado, sounds the warning on HB23-1003, a bill currently under consideration that represents an outright assault on parental rights.

The question we need to ask is: “Where does the civil government’s authority and jurisdiction stop?

“This year an introduced bill, HB23-1003 School Mental Health Assessment, grants children twelve years or older the ability [to] override a parent’s wishes concerning a mental health assessment given in a public school. Although the bill allows parents to opt their child out of the assessment, it also authorizes the school to ignore the opt-out when the child dictates. Children can also keep parents from seeing the results of the assessment. Note: If your child participates in a part-time public-school program, this bill applies to you as well!

Keep reading here.

the Refining Rhetoric podcast logo, with Robert Bortins, CEO of Classical Conversation, smiling the camera

Podcast: Refining Rhetoric, with Robert Bortins, May 11, 2022

In this episode, Robert Bortins and Michael P. Farris discuss basic human rights, educational choice, and the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade. Robert is the CEO of Classical Conversations and Michael is the founding president of both Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and Patrick Henry College. Today, he serves as chairman of the board of HSLDA, chancellor emeritus of Patrick Henry, and president and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom. Throughout his career, Michael has defended human rights for freedom of religion and speech, promoted educational choice, and fought for the sanctity of human life.