Oklahoma Bill HB 4130 – A Deeper Analysis

By Elise DeYoung In recent months, Oklahoma and Michigan, two states that have historically had low regulation on homeschool freedoms, have sought to pass restrictive laws. These states both claim to be passing homeschool registration and oversight laws to prevent the abuse of home-educated children. Since homeschooling became legal in 1992, many states have tirelessly […]

Can You Define Fascism?

By Elise DeYoung Fascism. It is a term widely used but hardly understood. Are you aware of the history and philosophy surrounding this term? Can you define it? When these questions arise, men like Benito Mussolini are often accredited with the philosophy of fascism, and words such as “authoritarianism” and “right-wing extremism” are frequently given […]

Problems with the Michigan Homeschool Registration Regulation Proposal

By Elise DeYoung This past month, I had the opportunity to speak to a Kentucky mom about her homeschool experience and the state regulations that Kentucky has in place for homeschoolers. I shared how Classical Conversations has strong feelings regarding state involvement in homeschooling. We believe that the state has no place in our classrooms […]

Colorado: Meet Your Legislator Day on February 15

By Carolyn Martin, CHEC Director of Government Relations The following was originally published as “Legislative Update for December 20, 2023” at CHEC.org. It has been republished here with the author’s permission. Laws, Rules, and Guidance It is vital that homeschoolers meet their legislators and participate in Homeschool Day at the Capitol and Legislator Day events […]

Advent: Preparing Our Hearts for the Coming of Christ

By Jennifer Bright As the Christmas season approaches and we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior, our calendar quickly fills with events, activities, gatherings with family and friends, shopping, etc., all good things. Still, we can lose sight of the most essential thing in the busyness: focusing on Christ. He quietly fades into […]

Are We Thankful for Our Freedom to Homeschool?

By Edward Murray “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving . . . ” —Psalm 50:4 (ESV) Fall is my favorite time of year, and for several reasons—one of which is because it marks the beginning of the holidays. However, one holiday stands out as my favorite: Thanksgiving. While this holiday may not recognize a biblically […]

National Homeschool Day of Prayer Today!

By Lauren Gideon “. . . she couldn’t see the forest for the trees.” Pray, Pray, and Pray Some More If you are a mom like me, homeschooling is not new to your family’s rhythm. My oldest is a senior, and I have been his primary teacher since he was born. Right now, my prayers […]

Political Engagement Through Homeschooling

By Valerie Ward Homeschooling is not for parents who want to let the state determine what their children will learn and how their children will live. In our eight years with Classical Conversations, my family has learned how our government works, how to construct well-written papers, how to present arguments well, and how to defend […]

North Carolina Parents Should Be Wary of ‘School Choice’ Bill

By Robert Bortins Politicians in Raleigh want to transform our freedoms with House Bill 420, giving state bureaucrats more control over North Carolinians’ educational options, consequently driving up prices, reducing quality and innovation, and normalizing state welfare checks for the middle class and wealthy — all in the name of “school choice.” But the fact […]