Classical Conversations Director of Public Relations Lauren Gideon discusses homeschooling with Jim Mason, President of Homeschool Legal Defense Association.

Curating a Vision for Your Homeschool

Lauren Gideon, Director of Public Relations for Classical Conversations®, shares how to curate a vision for your homeschool. Listen as she unpacks her experience of being home-educated and how that has shaped her now as a homeschool parent in this HSLDA Homeschool Talks podcast. Additionally, she and Jim Mason touch on the uniqueness of each child within the family.

Listen to the podcast below to learn how to curate a vision for your family’s education. Enjoy Lauren’s other blogs.

Lauren Gideon is the Director of Public Relations for Classical Conversations.  She has been a home educator since her first student was born 18 years ago. She came to Classical Conversations for support when the student count in their home grew beyond what she thought she could navigate on her own. In addition to homeschooling her seven children, she co-leads community classes that unpack our nation’s founding documents and civic responsibility. However, she is happiest at home, preferably outside, with her husband of 18 years, tackling their newest adventure of building a modern homestead.